If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed
John 8:31
Women's Discipleship Group: "Heaven: When Faith Becomes Sight" by Jennifer Rothschild
Men's Discipleship Group: "The Titus Ten: Foundations for Godly Manhood" by J. Josh Smith
Family Discipleship Group: "Full Circle Parenting: A Guide for Crucial Conversations" by Jimmy and Kristin Scroggins
General Discipleship Groups: "The Incredible Power of Kingdom Authority: Getting an Upper Hand on the Underworld" by Adrian Rogers
Teen Discipleship Group: "Revival Generation: Awakening to a Movement of God" by Shane Pruitt
GrowKids meets during this time.
Nursery for Babies-Preschool is available!
Men's Discipleship Group: "The Titus Ten: Foundations for Godly Manhood" by J. Josh Smith
Family Discipleship Group: "Full Circle Parenting: A Guide for Crucial Conversations" by Jimmy and Kristin Scroggins
General Discipleship Groups: "The Incredible Power of Kingdom Authority: Getting an Upper Hand on the Underworld" by Adrian Rogers
Teen Discipleship Group: "Revival Generation: Awakening to a Movement of God" by Shane Pruitt
GrowKids meets during this time.
Nursery for Babies-Preschool is available!
Reading Schedule

Group Locations